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Peer-Reviewed Articles

Hooper, J., Aiello, T., Hill, K., Szydlowski, M., and Oxley Heaney, S. (2023) Nothing More than ‘Anti-Cull Activists’: Accusations of Bias and the Politics of Research that Advocates for Non-Human Animals. Animal Studies Journal 12(1): 70–95. Available at:

Oxley Heaney, S. (2023) ‘Arabian feline (Felis silvestris catus) lives: Insights into abandonment’, EASE Working Paper Series, 1, pp. 54–88. Available at:

Hill, K., Szydlowski, M., Oxley Heaney, S., & Busby, D. (2022) ‘Uncivilized Behaviors: How Humans Wield “Feral” to Assert Power (and Control) over Other Species’, Society and Animals, 21(4), pp. 1–19. Available at:

Oxley Heaney, S. et al. (2022) ‘Members only? A posthuman view of otherthanhuman-animal immigrants across human-defined borders’, TRACE ∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 8(2022). Available at:

Szydlowski, M., Hill, K., Oxley Heaney, S., & Hooper, J. (2022) ‘Domestication and domination: Human terminology as a tool for controlling otherthanhuman animal bodies’, TRACE ∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 8(2022). Available at:


Uncivilized Behaviors: How Humans Wield “Feral” to Assert Power (and Control) over Other Species
Domestication and domination: Human terminology as a tool for controlling otherthanhuman animal bodi
Members only? A posthuman view of otherthanhuman-animal immigrants across human-defined borders

Conference Presentations

Perspectives on cat (Felis silvestrus catus) Abandonment in Saudi Arabia

Perspectives on cat (Felis silvestrus catus) Abandonment in Saudi Arabia

Presented on 4th October 2023 at the 2nd International Anthrozoology Conference (Hungary) - This presentation explores street-living feline welfare in Saudi Arabia. While many felines in Saudi Arabia are in human homes, a great number of cats live in the streets. This presentation frames the effects upon cats living and being abandoned on the streets, through the Five Animal Welfare Needs.

Fishing for Families

Fishing for Families

Presented on 9 March 2023 at the EVAT conference. The act of fishing for nonhuman-animal bodies for entertainment is an accepted and popular part of humananimal recreational tourist activities.This paper discussed how the anthropocentric attitudes of human-animal families completely dismiss the trauma brought upon their nonhuman-animal targets.

Collaborating for a less anthropocentric anthrozoology

Collaborating for a less anthropocentric anthrozoology

Presented on 8 October 2022 at the PGR and ECR Conference for Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology and Politics Collaboration and Empowerment, University of Exeter. Kris Hill, Jes Hooper, Sarah Oxley Heaney, Michelle Szydlowski, Thomas Aiello The relatively new academic discipline of anthrozoology adopts, adapts, and devises new methodological approaches to address questions concerning interactions between humans and other animals.

Losing a Limb in a Candy Shop

Losing a Limb in a Candy Shop

Presented on 29th April 2022 at the University of Exeter's MA Residential Conference. Shark watching is a global business. However, what happens when shark watching operators fail to consider individual shark protection in the process of making money and entertaining guests?

The Ethics of Privacy in Anthrozoological Investigations

The Ethics of Privacy in Anthrozoological Investigations

Presented on 8 November 2021 at the ANIMAL/PRIVACY: Historical and Conceptual Approaches Conference. The Ethics of Privacy in Anthrozoological Investigations

Do you know me? CATegorising Saudi Arabia's Abandoned Cats - Saudi Arabian Landscape of Feline Lives

Do you know me? CATegorising Saudi Arabia's Abandoned Cats - Saudi Arabian Landscape of Feline Lives

4 December 2021 at the Reframing Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (RASE) Conference. Much academic literature looks at domestic cats outside home environments through an anthropocentric lens, as objects categorised for human control purposes. This paper, in line with EASE aim iii attempts to consider the perspective of cats through their experiences as street-living cats. This article questions how human-constructed cat categories fail to consider cat biographies, personalities, agencies ...

Saudi Arabian Landscape of Feline Lives: Reducing Domestic Cat Abandonment

Saudi Arabian Landscape of Feline Lives: Reducing Domestic Cat Abandonment

Presented at the InSPAration Conference on 21 October 2021. Saudi Arabian Landscape of Feline Lives: Reducing Abandonment of Domestic Cats (Felis Silvestris Catus) by Analysing Reasons for Relinquishment in Saudi Arabia

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